segunda-feira, maio 20Notícias Importantes

5 Ways to Pray for and Help Those Stuck in Abusive Homes during Quarantine

Here Is How to Pray for Those Stuck in Abusive Homes

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1.) Pray for calm during this storm.

The whole world is feeling an overload of anxiety and uncertainty, which causes people to be stressed. When certain people can’t control the world around them, they become angry, full of rage, and say or do things that harm those closest to them. Pray that God calms the hearts of the anxious and angry.

Father God,

I ask that you bring peace into the lives of all people right now, especially those who have a habit of abusing their family. Calm the heart of the hot-tempered person so that their family feels comfort and peace, instead of fear and anguish.

2.) Pray for the sanity of those in homes that are not peaceful or emotionally healthy.

For those who live in a home with an easily-angered person, there can be unrest, even when there is not rage. The rest of the family waits and wonders if this is a calm day or a day they will see the rage. It’s more about when—not if—it will happen.


I ask that you provide sound mental health and the ability to feel peace in the abusive homes around the world today. We know that you are the Prince of Peace, so remind them that you may not calm the storm, but you can calm your people’s hearts with your presence. Be with the abused and give them comfort.

 3.) Pray for patience and endurance, with no safe place to go when the abuser starts raging. 

We are asking a lot of abuse victims right now to endure the abuse and/or rage, with no way to get out. Many victims at least get a break for work, or while their spouse works, but with most businesses closed, all family members may be home sharing the same space for 24 hours per day without a break.

Heavenly Father,

Please be with the victims of abuse in our world and keep them safe. I pray that they may have patience during this affliction. Let victims find a safe space in their homes where they can escape when things get bad. Also, give them the strength and courage to call for help, from police or domestic violence hotlines when things are not safe.

Photo Credit: © Unsplash/erfurt

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