sexta-feira, maio 3Notícias Importantes

How to Quit Trying to Be a Perfect Parent

4. Spend Time with God Regularly and Seek to Become More like Him

So then, just as you received Christ Jesus as Lord, continue to live your lives in him, rooted and built up in him, strengthened in the faith as you were taught, and overflowing with thankfulness. Col 2:6-7 

Purposefully spending time with God and growing in your relationship with Him will result in you becoming more like Him. You will grow and change to be more patient, understanding, and loving, and your kids will see that and take notice.

When I get upset at my children’s behavior and overreact, I try to take some time to explain how I have to work on controlling my emotions, just like they do. This is usually best done when everyone in the situation calms down (including myself), but it’s something I try to commit to circling back to with them.

When I can relate to my son in his struggles instead of judging him for acting the way he does, it shows him empathy. And when I can explain to him that I pray and ask God to help me, and that He does, it shows him an example of how he can do the same.

5.Continually Point Your Children towards Jesus

The Lord himself goes before you and will be with you; he will never leave you nor forsake you. Do not be afraid; do not be discouraged. Deuteronomy 31:8

Even in your best efforts to become a real parent instead of a perfect one, you will still fail at times because you are human.

This is why the most important thing you can do for our kids is to continually point them towards Jesus, the only One who is perfect and will never let them down.

You will let them down, their friends will let them down, their future spouses will even let them down, but if they have the foundation to know that God will never let them down, it will carry them through so many struggles in their lives and keep their feet planted when storms come.

When you model a real relationship with Jesus Christ (not a perfect one), it will teach your children more than mere words ever can.

When you share with them the stories of how God has been faithful to provide for you, rescue you, heal you, and all the other incredible things He’s done and continues to do, these stories of His faithfulness will stay with them long after they are grown and out of your house, and will continue on through future generations.

Cortni Marrazzo lives in Spokane, WA with her husband Jason and their two elementary-age sons, one of which has special needs. She has a Degree in Biblical Discipleship and has a passion for encouraging and inspiring people toward God’s Word through writing and speaking. You can contact her at or follow her on Instagram or Facebook.

Photo Credit: ©GettyImages/digitalskillet

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