sábado, abril 27Notícias Importantes

Dia: 28 de março de 2020

Coronavírus em Israel: 3460 Doentes e 12 Fatalidades

Coronavírus em Israel: 3460 Doentes e 12 Fatalidades

Artigos Teológicos, ATUALIDADES, Uncategorized
O ministério de Saúde do estado de Israel divulgou hoje pela manhã os dados da crise do coronavírus no país, ao todo são 3460 contaminados, dos quais 60 pessoas estão em estado grave. Além disso, O Ministério da Saúde declarou que ao todo 12 pessoas faleceram por causa do coronavírus. Uma excelente notícia é o fato de que desde o inicio da Pandemia,89 pessoas ficaram curados do coronel vidas. Segundo a imprensa em Israel, O primeiro-ministro Benjamin Netanyahu está preparando o país para uma quarentena geral, o que deve ser anunciado com a saída do Sábado ou nos próximos dias. Continue Reading
The FAQs: How the Stimulus Bill Affects Churches and Individuals

The FAQs: How the Stimulus Bill Affects Churches and Individuals

What just happened? On Friday, March 27, Congress passed and President Trump signed into law the 247-page Coronavirus Aid, Relief, and Economic Security (CARES) Act. This is the third of five emergency supplemental bills that Congress has passed or is preparing in response to the COVID-19 pandemic. This relief bill is the biggest fiscal stimulus package in modern American history. How does this legislation affect individuals? The most noticeable effect for most Americans will be a rebate on their taxes that will come in the form of a direct payment. Individuals who earn $75,000 in adjusted gross income or less would get direct payments of $1,200 each, with married couples earning up to $150,000 receiving $2,400, and an additional $500 per each child younger than 17. The payment would s...
When You Fear Not Being in Control

When You Fear Not Being in Control

Households across the world are aglow from screens delivering coronavirus updates. They’re also replete with fear.  Leslie worries about her aging husband, whose health has been in slow decline since he turned 65. Tom knows he has no control over his pregnant wife’s health (or their baby’s) and goes to sleep nervous every night. Jessica is scared about her kids’ safety when they have to run to the grocery store, and Ron fears contracting the disease when he goes to work at the nursing home. Brittany can’t seem to control her anxiety over the virus, but it comes on full force at random moments, and she fears the next unexpected attack. Then there are fears surrounding policies and quarantines, as people anxiously await the choices their leaders will make, choices that are out of th...
25 Ways to Worship God on YouTube

25 Ways to Worship God on YouTube

I don’t know about you, but the importance of worship music in my life has become only more pronounced in recent weeks. Not only does worship music provide comfort and healthy theological orientation in these surreal and scary times, but it also reminds us never again to take for granted the beauty of corporate singing in churches. While sermons, small groups, and other aspects of church can be somewhat replicated online, singing hymns and worship songs together cannot. And I miss it. But as we wait for the glorious days when we can gather again and sing God’s praises in embodied community, we can at least catch glimpses of it through playlists, livestreamed hymn sings, and YouTube videos. Here are a few of the worship videos I’ve found most comforting in recent days. I hope these 25 s...
A necessidade de presbíteros nas igrejas

A necessidade de presbíteros nas igrejas

bispo, diácono, Pastor, pastorais, presbítero, Tito
Compartilhar: O apóstolo Paulo instruiu Tito acerca das qualidades exigíveis aos presbíteros e da necessidade de bispos versados nas Escrituras. Introdução Conteúdo do artigo Tito, gentio de origem grega, se converteu ao evangelho por intermédio do ministério evangelístico do apóstolo Paulo (Gálatas 2.3; Tito 1.4). Por causa da questão levantada pelos judaizantes, que impunha a circuncisão aos cristãos gentios como necessária para se salvarem, Tito acompanhou o apóstolo Paulo e Barnabé a Jerusalém, quando os apóstolos e os anciões de Jerusalém realizaram um concílio para resolver a questão (Atos 15.6; Gálatas 2.1-30). O apóstolo Paulo esperou encontrar Tito em Trôade, mas como não o encontrou, ficou muito preocupado (2 Coríntios 2.13).  O apóstolo Paulo foi a Macedônia, e por lá...
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