quarta-feira, maio 8Notícias Importantes

10 Powerful Realities about Who God Is

8. God Is Eternal

Eternity can be difficult for our minds to comprehend, but eternity is written in our own hearts for God Himself is eternal. Jeremiah 10:10 explains, “But the Lord is the true God; he is the living God, the eternal King.” God created all that is, was, and will be for He is eternal. There is no beginning or end to Him, or to His goodness. Our minds logically seek to find a finite way of understanding to compartmentalize this, yet the beauty is God is bigger than all the boxes we try to place Him into. He is eternal, and in that beyond what we could ever hope to comprehend.  

His Kingdom and reign are eternal as well. Kingdoms of the earth will rise and fall, seasons will come and pass away, but God sits on the throne for all of eternity. This promises that no evil can have the final word, for He is sovereign for all of eternity. God has won the war, and His victory is for all eternity. 

9. God Is Changeless 

It is a great security to consider that God is never changing. Hebrews 13:8 says that “God is the same yesterday, today, and tomorrow. He does not change.” What a blessing to know that the God of the Bible is unchanging, that the miracles and acts He performed then were not just for that time, but evidence of His character for all of time. It is important to recall these truths, and to not belittle them or to call into the falsehood that somehow God changes. Numbers 23:19 and 1 Samuel 15:29 share the enduring truth that God is not a man that would change His mind, nor lie. In knowing God, in truly placing trust in Him, we must acknowledge that He is unchanging and cannot lie. He is holy and sinless.

In a world that is ever-changing placing full esteemed hope securely in Someone who changes not is of the utmost importance. He is One that we can firmly stand strong in and by, knowing that what He says will come to pass. We need not fear to place our feet firmly in His Word, for it does not change like the tides, like the seasons, or like the day. He is unchanging, and, therefore, the One we can forever rely upon. 

Photo credit: ©GettyImages/beerphotographer

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