sexta-feira, maio 17Notícias Importantes

Tag: Children

Parenting Anxious Kids in an Anxious Time

Parenting Anxious Kids in an Anxious Time

In the midst of the fear and uncertainty we are experiencing with COVID-19, I want to offer some brief, even basic and practical ideas for managing your own anxiety, as well as your children’s. In many ways, how we manage our own anxiety will transfer to how we are (or are not) able to appropriately care for and shepherd others, including our children. 1. Remain informed through trusted sources. Strive to consult trusted news and information sources rather than media that is sensationalized and headline-focused. Examples of such trusted sources include: 2. Limit media exposure. It’s necessary to stay informed, and it’s also wise. However, it’s incredibly tempting (speaking for myself) to become too consumed and too drawn in by the next headline. Set a limit on when and how you will che...
Family Worship Starts Now

Family Worship Starts Now

Millions of schedules just slowed down. Schools are closed, churches are online, and many are hunkered down with streamed movies and lots of toilet paper.  For those of us quarantined with our families, now is the perfect time to begin (or intentionally continue) habits of worship together. As parents, we must take an active role in shaping the spiritual climate of our homes in the coming weeks. Worship with Your Church As millions of Christians prepare to worship this week, many will be staring at a screen. Such technology is a wonderful gift that allows us, the body of Christ, to encourage one another, and we should be thankful. But we should beware of reducing the import of message because of its medium.  Worship is a participatory response to the glorious acts of redempti...
6 Ways to Lead Your Family in Isolation

6 Ways to Lead Your Family in Isolation

For 12 years, our family of six would make a 22-hour, 1,200-mile, two-day trek from New England to Alabama to see grandparents. Buying airline tickets for all of us was not in our budget. As we strapped ourselves, astronaut-like, into our beloved minivan for our 22 hours of forced confinement, the question lingered. Would we survive? Reminiscing now, my children in their 20s would tell you we not only survived, but we thrived. They look back on that long trip and “forced fellowship” with fond memories.  When we started our trips, our highest motive was to keep the children occupied, keep ourselves sane, and arrive safely at the grandparents. Only later did I realize our trip was a unique opportunity to build family identity and togetherness.  Families are in a similar si...
Upbeat Songs for Quarantined Kids (Free Playlist)

Upbeat Songs for Quarantined Kids (Free Playlist)

The years may be short, but the days are long—especially when families with small children are cut off from normal routines and quarantined indefinitely. In moments when your energy flags, dinner needs to be made, and your toddler is rolling around on the floor, turning on music can do wonders to lift the mood. Or you can use this playlist as a soundtrack for family toy-pickup blitz. Even better, schedule an after-dinner family dance party. This playlist is not meant for bedtime, nor were the songs chosen to teach kids theology (although some of them do just that). These upbeat songs are meant to help kids get their energy out, to help parents laugh instead of cry, and to help us make a joyful noise to the Lord. Find the playlist on Spotify or Apple Music, and see the track list below....
Never a Better Time for Family Prayer

Never a Better Time for Family Prayer

A looming pandemic feels invisible to most of us. There’s danger out there—lurking on grocery-store carts and wrapped in friendly hugs—but we can’t see it with our eyes. We can wash our hands while singing “Happy Birthday,” but we can’t be sure we rinsed away every germ. We can wipe down the subway seat, but we don’t know which surfaces we overlooked. We can stay home, but the virus may have already moved in.  It’s a great time to pray.  As families are stuck at home, we have an opportunity to together take up the largely invisible, outwardly unremarkable tool of prayer. We can’t see the danger, but we know the One who sees everything. What’s more, the excuses for prayerlessness—too little time, too much going on—are wiped from the calendar. Evening activities have been cance...
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