domingo, abril 28Notícias Importantes

Dia: 26 de março de 2020

Previsão do Tempo, 26 de Março de 2020

Previsão do Tempo, 26 de Março de 2020

Artigos Teológicos, ATUALIDADES, Uncategorized
O Centro de Previsão Meteo-Tech informou que o clima durante o dia será agradável, mas deverá mudar no fim do dia. Hoje ocorrerá um ligeiro aumento nas temperaturas e a umidade diminuirá. Durante a tarde poderão ocorrer chuvas isoladas e à noite, haverá chova leve na maior parte do país. O vento nordeste a noroeste soprará entre 15 a 30 km/h e o mar terá ondas agradáveis nas praias, podendo atingir no máximo 60 cm. O nível do mar da Galiléia foi medido nesta quinta-feira pela manhã e está a -209,24 m. A Autoridade da Águas relatou que houve um aumento de 2 cm no último dia. Para o Mar da Galiléia estar completamente cheio estão faltando apenas 44 cm. As temperaturas previstas para hoje e durante a noite são: Kiryat Shmona 15-24, Katzrin 11-21, Safed 11-19, Tiberíades 15-26, Nazaré 13-21, H...
Free (or Discounted) Books to Read in Quarantine

Free (or Discounted) Books to Read in Quarantine

Quarantine doesn’t necessarily mean more time to read. If you’re anything like our family, you have less time, fewer outlets for stir-crazy kids (and adults), and general exhaustion at the end of each day. For moms, juggling remote work and kids, you might feel like you have five jobs. Yet, in the age of social distancing and a relentless spigot of news, books are still selling well. Children’s books and books about pandemics are popular. According to one bookseller, “People are definitely buying stacks of books. More people are buying what might be called ‘ambitious reads,’ or big, fat books.” Apparently we make time to read, even amid global pandemics.  Whether you’re looking for something to stir your heart in the gospel, a fun read about distant lands or imagined places, or a ...
6 Ways to Encourage Online Giving

6 Ways to Encourage Online Giving

Churches are facing a new reality, and no one yet knows when it will end or how it will ultimately affect Christians. Two factors have collided: a rapid freefall in the stock market and the inability to gather for in-person worship. We have some familiarity with the first factor. Many pastors remember the effect of the 2008 market crash. Incomes were reduced and jobs were lost. Giving declined, church budgets were cut, and staff positions could no longer be funded. But, in addition to the first factor, there’s another one at play. As the market dropped in 2008, we could still gather for weekly worship. But as the market drops in 2020, gathering isn’t viable or wise due to health concerns for all. This is deeply significant. Though the decision is not regrettable, we’ve eliminated the p...
Help! Now I’m Financially Stressed

Help! Now I’m Financially Stressed

About a year ago, my husband started a retail business. Like most new ventures, it involved the discomfort of uncertainty, financial strain, and long hours at work. But slowly and steady, it stabilized and grew. Then the coronavirus hit. Initially, sales slowed. Then they plummeted. And when the stock market crashed, the majority of orders purchased in the previous month were returned. Now, the future of the business—and consequently, our finances—looks bleak. This global pandemic has hit many of us financially. It’s affected hourly employees whose workplaces have closed. Parents who can’t go to work because their kids are no longer in school. Those who’ve lost jobs due to rapid downsizing. And it’s affected those like us, owners of small businesses, who just weren’t ready to weat...
The FAQs: Answering Tech Questions Pastors Are Asking

The FAQs: Answering Tech Questions Pastors Are Asking

In light of the current COVID-19 virus, churches are facing disruption in their ability to fellowship and proclaim the Word. Many pastors feel the pressure of getting up to speed on the latest tech tools and are asking for help in various forums around the web. Here are some answers to the most frequently asked questions. Which platforms should I use for a Sunday morning video? Although I answered this question at length in my previous article, I’ve had a number of follow-up questions. The three common ones are: Can people without Facebook access a Facebook Live video? Yes. You can copy the embed code (available when setting up a Facebook Live for a Facebook Page on a computer) and place it on your website or copy the URL from the video on a browser during the stream and send it to non...
O sentido de estar vivo

O sentido de estar vivo

Artigos Teológicos, ATUALIDADES, News, Uncategorized
Ao consultar livros sobre finanças, notei uma tendência interessante. Os conselhos são bons, porém muitos afirmam que a principal razão de cortar custos é viver melhor mais tarde. Mas um deles ofereceu uma perspectiva diferente e argumenta que o essencial é viver com simplicidade para se viver ricamente. E sugere que, se você precisa de mais bens para sentir alegria, “está perdendo o sentido de estar vivo”. Isso me lembrou o homem que pediu a Jesus que mandasse seu irmão dividir uma herança com ele. Jesus o repreendeu antes de adverti-lo a guardar-se de “todo tipo de ganância. A vida de uma pessoa não é definida pela quantidade de seus bens” (v.15). Em seguida, Ele descreveu os planos de uma pessoa para armazenar a colheita e ter vida luxuosa, com a forte conclusão: a riqueza não lhe trou...

Estudo Sobre a Carta à Igreja de Esmirna

Artigos Teológicos, ATUALIDADES, Uncategorized
A igreja de Esmirna era uma igreja local que ficava na Ásia Menor. Essa comunidade cristã é mencionada no livro do Apocalipse como uma das destinatárias das cartas que João escreveu de acordo com a mensagem do Senhor Jesus Cristo. Esmirna era uma cidade importante e populosa no primeiro século, e era conhecida, principalmente, por sua beleza. A cidade era muito leal a Roma, a capital do Império Romano. Na cidade havia muitos judeus que provavelmente foram atraídos àquela cidade por seu forte comércio. A Igreja do Senhor Jesus também cresceu naquela cidade com a pregação do Evangelho. A fundação da igreja de Esmirna A Bíblia não fala de forma específica sobre o início da Igreja em Esmirna. Mas é bem provável que a igreja de Esmirna foi fundada pelo apóstolo Paulo durante sua terceira viagem...
Practicing the Ordinances in a Pandemic

Practicing the Ordinances in a Pandemic

Editors’ note:  To read a different perspective on whether to do the ordinances amid the COVID-19 pandemic, see Bobby Jamieson’s entry. Churches are scrambling to figure out how to love and care for people well in the face of an unprecedented challenge. While we can learn from some historical examples, technology offers us new opportunities to care for and shepherd people through this crisis.  It’s essential for pastors to do what they can to encourage and nourish people, even when we can’t gather physically. This has raised the question of how best to gather—whether to livestream services, provide a liturgy guide to be practiced at home, or shut down entirely—along with appropriate questions about the ordinances of baptism and the Lord’s Supper. Challenges and suffering pro...
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